
Jörg Conrad
Head of Technology Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 717

Jörg Fischbach
Head of Controlling Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 67

Benedikt Rittinghaus
Head of Quality Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 0

Ralf Kebekus
Supervisor Sales & Key Account Manager Wire Springs Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 186

Carsten Bock
Key Account Manager Stamped Bent Parts Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 25

Theofanis Iatrou
Project Manager Sales Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 721

Miriam Günaydin
Specialist Sales Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 22

Guido Machelett-Emden
Specialist Sales Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 65

Cederic van Hoof
Specialist Sales Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 14
Order Management

Kim Alina Schmidt-Singil
Team Leader Order Processing Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 716

Annika Jopp
Specialist Order Processing Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 188
Purchase Department

Kerstin Funk
Supervisor Purchasing Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 16

Steven Wieloch
Specialist Purchasing Lead Center Schalksmühle
+49 2355 808 71177