Stamped parts with complex shapes in thin dimensions
The fields of application of stamped bending parts and stamped parts are just as different as the demands on these products. Especially with small material thicknesses we can exploit all our expertise in the production of thin, high-strength and at the same time complex stamped parts.
Also carbon materials, stripes made of stainless steel and non-ferrous metals are used. With many years of experience in stamping and bending technology complex requirements can be realized. For this we use both progressive compounding technology and special stamping and bending technology from Bihler. Modern testing techniques are used to query different parameters during production to keep the quality constant.

Joint development of stamped parts
Especially in the production of stamped parts not only a certain manufacturing knowledge is necessary. Also of importance is the knowledge of the application and the resulting requirements to the stamped parts. For this reason we offer to our customers to support them from the very beginning.
Our technical departments as well as our project management are working hand in hand with the corresponding departments of our customers. Each industry has different requirements for the geometries and function of your stamped parts. Due to the close cooperation exactly these requirements for the stamped part are determined and realized in the design of the tools.
- Band thickness of approx. 0.1 - 2.0 mm
- Use of carbon, high-strength stainless steel or non-ferrous metals
- Bihler machines and progressive composite technology
- Welding of contact rivets